All merch/downloads 20% off Dec. 1st-6th

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All Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends items are a 20% off this week only (ends 12/06/2019). Physical and digital. 

Just use code “bargainissealed” at checkout!

This includes the brand new Protons and Electrons compilation 2XLP and 2XCD, as well as all remaining stock of Protons and Electrons 7”, Art Of Murder LP (while supplies last!) and CDs, Enemy of Everyone LPs and CDs and all t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts.

All orders shipping immediately!

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I Heart Noise – Premieres “Avid Fan” from the Art of MurderI Heart Noise – Premieres “Avid Fan” from the Art of Murder

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It is true! Boston noisenik afficianados I Heart Noise are premiering a song off of “The Art of Murder”.

Their first premiere ever, EVER! What a premiere too, since this specific one also features Mr. Buzz Osborne on backup vocals.
What? Yes. Buzz.